VCC Update – November 2021

Zwift Meetup Riding Returns

Throughout the winter months, I’ll be leading group Zwift Meetup rides each Saturday, starting at about 10:30am.

Most rides will be in “Keep Everyone Together” mode, which means it doesn’t matter what your Watts/kg rating is. Everyone will be riding together as hard or easy as they like. About once a month I turn this feature off, and we’ll be riding live and can push each other and maybe “race.” But the primary goal for these weekend Zwift rides is to have a social ride and keep yourself engaged for a bit longer (about 2 hours) while riding an indoor session.

I need to manually invite interested Zwift riders to these Meetups. To make it easier for me, please register yourself on this Zwift Meetup Registration Form >>>HERE<<<

I also open a Zoom session during these rides so we can talk easily instead of keyboarding back-and-forth. Audio only, as we don’t really need to see each other’s sweaty faces during the ride! I’ll send you the Zoom meeting link to the email address you enter on the registration form.

You only need to register once, and I’ll keep inviting you from then on throughout the indoor riding season. No need to register again each week.

NOTE: I’m tentatively planning the first session on November 20. The 7° forecast for this coming Saturday is too good to pass over for an outdoor November ride! Make plans for yourself, if you haven’t already.

Casino Fundraising Reminder

Help your club out again this winter.

As mentioned previously, Velocity has been selected to volunteer at the Pure Casino Yellowhead on December 7 and 8. Please keep a time blocked off during one or both of these days to help out. Volunteers can only work one job description during any 2-day casino event. So if you volunteer for 2 shifts, you must select the same job each time.

To make it easy to match names to shifts, we’ve created a Volunteer Signup Form >>>HERE<<< If you have family or friends that are non-club members, they can still help us out too. No need to be a VCC member. Find the shift you want and get your name in sooner than later!

Velocity Annual General Meeting

We’ll be holding a virtual AGM again this year. Provincial COVID-19 gathering restrictions still limit how many of us can get together in-person.

The meeting will be held Monday, November 22 at 7pm. You’ll get your own email invite with the Zoom meeting details.

General business items that must be discussed at the meeting are:

  • Presentation of preliminary 2021 Financial Statements
  • Election of 2 club members to audit the financial statements
  • Election of any executive members and directors-at-large that are up for renewal

ABA Casino

The ABA also has a casino in the near future. Their dates are December 15-16 at the Century Casino in Edmonton.

Volunteers for the ABA can sign up at

Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.

Helen Keller (YES! She knew how the peloton works!)

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK