Directors and Contributing Members

These are the many riders in the club taking their turns “pulling at the front” of our peloton. A big thanks to those who make the commitment to serve in each of these roles:

Board of Directors

Board members are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in January.

President: Brad Streadwick
*Direct any general inquiries here

Vice-President: Nikoo Najand

Treasurer: Paul Ermantrout

Secretary: Dave Watson

Director: Al Pearson

Director: Kaileb Torrie

Director: Allan Plesniarski

Contributing Members

BMX Representative: Al Pearson

MTB Representative: [Role Vacant]

Volunteer Coordinator: [Role Vacant]

Equipment Manager: [Role Vacant] , – Forwarded to President

Social Coordinator: [Role Vacant] , – Forwarded to President


Head Coach: Kevin Rokosh

Contact Velocity

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