CRITICAL VCC Update – October 14, 2021

Club Executive Mandates Full Vaccination Status

The seriousness of COVID has emphatically not passed in our province.

Severe COVID outcomes have NOT decoupled from infections. Intensive Care Units, not just basic hospital wards, are today filled with 80%-90% unvaccinated COVID patients. Over the past 2 weeks Alberta has accounted for 1/3 of the whole country’s deaths with only 10% of its population.

Therefore, Velocity is stepping forward with a firm socially responsible stance. This week the Club Executive is enacting a mandatory vaccination policy.

With no end in sight of Alberta’s fourth COVID wave and the strain it is placing on our health care system, the safest approach now in 2021 is to cancel all further club outdoor rides.

Then, starting in the 2022 calendar year, all vaccine-eligible members will need to show proof of full vaccination status to participate in any in-person club activity. Vaccination exemptions will only be accepted if legally obtained from a physician. No other excuses will be tolerated.

Remember, as cyclists we respect mandatory helmet rules for participation in group rides. This is no different.

The indoor riding season is almost upon us. Please watch for club Zwift Meetup rides to begin in November.

ReconciliACTION Ride

As I announced in last week’s update, this Sunday I’m riding a 100mile (162km) ReconciliACTION Ride from St. Albert to Lac Ste. Anne and back. I thank those who have already signed up to join me on this ride. I’ll be emailing you directly with route details for our day. I will be confirming your vaccination status in order to ride with me.

I plan to donate $1/km ($162 total) for my ride that day to The Gord Downie & Chanie Wenjack Fund. Please consider a ReconciliACTION activity of your own for Secret Path Week (October 17 to 22). The #DOSOMETHING – WALK FOR WENJACK website has resources for your own inspiration.

Riding a bike is everything to a cyclist. The friendship and camaraderie you have with other cyclists… to a cyclist, it was the be-all and end-all of your life.”Tommy Godwin

Riding a bike is everything to a cyclist. The friendship and camaraderie you have with other cyclists… to a cyclist, it was the be-all and end-all of your life.

Tommy Godwin