VCC August 5, 2022

Safety Reminders

This past couple of weeks have not been kind to a few local riders, not necessarily through any particular fault of their own.

One rider’s rear cassette started coming apart mid-sprint. Their chain dropped down between the frame and the smallest cog, jamming the rear wheel into a skid. The rider went over their handlebars and suffered extensive road rash but remarkable no broken bones.

Another rider wasn’t so lucky. They were riding over a curb onto the roadway when their handlebar snapped. It happened so quick, they didn’t have time to break their fall with their hands, landing square on their face on the pavement. They suffered a severe facial skull fracture.

Another club was out for their group ride when they came to cross over HWY 21. Clearly they did not have the right-of-way, but a car driving on HWY 21 slowed to stop for the riders anyway. However, a following car did not stop in time and plowed into the rear end of the stopped car. No riders were injured, but at least one of the cars was a total write-off.

Two lessons (at least) come out of these scenarios.

First, maintain your bikes. At least weekly check them over for any loose bolts. Visually inspect your frames for dents and cracks, especially after any time your bike and/or you topples over and hits the ground. Don’t let any strange clicking sounds go unexamined. If you don’t feel you’ve got the mechanical know-how to do this yourself, book an appointment with one of the local bike shops.

Second, at every major roadway crossing, stop, put your foot down and clearly yield the right-of-way. Ensure there is a safe gap to any on-coming vehicles for your entire group to make it across the road before proceeding. If you see any vehicle slowing to seemingly yield the right-of-way to you (when it’s you who actually has the stop sign), DO NOT proceed. Waive them on. This is not the normal flow of traffic in such situations. Other vehicles probably won’t realize exactly what’s happening, putting both you and the “courteous” driver at risk.

Saturday Club Ride

We’ll head once again to the Edgemont Landing parking lot to start our Saturday ride. This week the ride will criss-cross north and south between Woodbend and Graminia, changing it up from what we did last week.

Sunday “Rule V” Club Ride

I’m setting the start for the Rule V Ride this month at the Enjoy Centre (101 Riel Drive, St. Albert). The ride still heads west to the Glory Hills area.

Details are here:

Velocity Track Session

Repairs started this week. The track will hopefully re-open on August 10. This means we still must call-off this Monday’s session.

EMCC Tuesday Night Racing

This week the Masters event is a 17km TT on Graminia Road.

Links to the details are on our Events Calendar:

Wednesday Hill Circuit

Get your climbing legs out for our Hill Circuit, starting at 6:30pm from Hawrelak Park.

Details are here:

Velocity Airport Fondo

On Saturday, August 27, we’re heading out for a BIG DAY of riding.

The regular Saturday ride will be replaced by your choice of 3 ride options: the Cessna Fondo (87km), the 737 Fondo (165km), or the Jumbo Jet (240km).

All the details are now on the Event Calendar specifically for this big day, including the links to the sign-up forms:

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK