VCC August 12, 2022

‘Cross Is Comin’!

The cyclocross season kicks off in less than a month! And …

Velocity hosts the Sunday, September 4 event. Our plans are to use the Strathcona Science Park like we have in past years.

Of course no event is possible without volunteers. Please watch for more updates and our Volunteer Signup Sheet to be shared in the coming weeks.

No Coach Ride Leader This Week

From this Saturday to next Saturday my very busy wife needs a well-deserved vacation! I’m taking her to a lake just outside of Prince George, BC.

Be mindful of each other on the planned club rides. If you can, please consider serving as a Ride Leader to keep everyone from getting lost on a ride! Any leadership you can demonstrate will be appreciated by everyone.

Saturday Club Ride

After a couple of weeks riding on the west side, we’ll head back to Strathcona County on the east. The Saturday ride will leave at 10am from the Olympiette Centre.

The route will head south to TWP 510. Then it’s out-and-back on that sweet piece of pavement. The return route goes by the Cooking Lake Airport – as a little pre-view to the Airport Fondo happening later on August 27.

If you’re riding the L’Etape on Sunday, I suggest you keep this ride a little shorter that the full planned riding route. Pull the u-turn earlier on 510. Or simply head north on RR 221 the first time you see it. That will shorten the ride to about 35km.

Sunday “Rule V” Club Ride

If you’re not riding the L’Etape on Sunday, maybe you’d like to test yourself on the Rule V Ride (see the event description if you don’t appreciate what this actually means).

This tougher ride starts again at the Enjoy Centre (101 Riel Drive, St. Albert) and heads about 50km west west to the Glory Hills area. It then loops back on similar roads.

Details are here:

Velocity Track Session

Repairs are almost finished. Weather delayed the contractors getting started. The track should be fully open again when I’m back for the August 22 session.

EMCC Tuesday Night Racing

This week the Masters event is at the velodrome. Fingers crossed, hoping the repairs went well, then this is another chance to try the track.

Links to the details are on our Events Calendar:

Wednesday Hill Circuit

Get your climbing legs out for our Hill Circuit, starting at 6:30pm from Hawrelak Park. Someone should know the basic circuit we’ve been riding this season. Come on out and make those climbing legs of yours scream (a little)!

Details are here:

Velocity Airport Fondo

The regular Saturday, August 27, ride is being replaced by the Airport Fondo.

Choose from 3 ride options: the Cessna Fondo (87km), the 737 Fondo (165km), or the Jumbo Jet (240km).

I’ll be driving a support vehicle for the Jumbo Jet this year. The Cessna and 737 routes will also be supported by me for at least the first half of their routes.

All the details are on the Event Calendar specifically for this big day, including the links to the sign-up forms (those forms are all open now – I forgot to toggle them open last week … sorry! ) :