VCC MARCH 2023 Update

Weather permitting, we’ll have our first organized club ride on Saturday, April 8. It will be a 60km ride to get us re-acquainted with group riding. We’ll leave from Colchester Hall at 11am.

I’m including an extra 5km Time Trial Challenge at the end of this ride for those interested. When we return to Colchester, there is a 5km Velocity Strava Segment from the hall, west to the cul-de-sac and back. If you make this a best-effort paced challenge, you’ll have a good estimate for your starting outdoor FTP this season. Take 90% of your average power on that 5km segment, and use it as your first FTP estimate for the year.

Please see all the details on our Event Calendar entry:

Racer and Rider Clothing Orders

We use Jakroo Custom Cycling Apparel to manager of club clothing orders. Each spring we open our store for a 2-week window to collect as many orders as possible to get the best volume pricing discounts. Though there is no minimum order of any item from Jakroo, your pricing will be reduced as more individual item orders get placed during the 2-week window. Even if you’re the first to place an order, you’ll get the best volume discount for each item we’ve achieved by the end of the ordering window.

This year, we’ll open the store from April 18 to May 1. Then, about 2 weeks later, your order will arrive direct to your door via FedEx.

All the details are on our Clothing page:

New Midweek Racing This Year

The Edmonton Masters Cycling Club has transformed itself into the Edmonton Midweek Racing Club. Watch for further updates as their schedule gets finalized. They will be hosting Wednesday Night ITTs and Crits all season long for all categories of racers.

This will be a great way to give bike racing a try without the full commitment of a weekend ABA sanctioned race. And for those in the more experienced categories, you’ll once again have a great series of low-stakes racing to hone your race-smarts for those important A and B priority ABA races you’ve got planned this season.

So, stay tuned to these club updates as more details are finalized.

Spring Riding Camp

At the end of next month, a group will be heading to Penticton for 7 days of road riding from April 22nd to the 30th. We’ll be riding from the first Sunday to the last Saturday during the week. If you join us, there’s no obligation to ride every day. But you should come with a good riding base in your legs. Some of the routes can get quite hilly and will challenge everyone’s fitness.

Some of us are staying at the Tiki Shores Motel. Please find them online or call them direct to book a room: 1-866-492-8769. If you don’t stay there, just join us in the motel parking lot each morning for our daily depart.

Send me an email with any questions and/or if you are planning to attend:

2022 Race Fee Reimbursements

There’s still some time to get your claims in for your 2022 reimbursements.

Any 2022 club member who had race entry expenses can submit them for reimbursements. Entries are limited to ABA Sanctioned Races Only that happened in Alberta. Sorry, no fondo entries are supported. A maximum of $250 per member will be reimbursed.

Each entry fee must be supported by a PDF copy of receipt of payment. Please assemble your receipts and email to me (Coach Kevin) and I will get them forwarded to our club Treasurer, Paul Ermantrout, for processing. Deadline for submissions: April 1, 2023.

Jasper Climbing Camp Weekend?

I’m looking for member interest in a Jasper Climbing Camp, along similar lines to what we used to do pre-COVID.

June 16, 17 and 18 would be an ideal weekend. It’s right near the Summer Solstice, giving us lots of daylight riding hours. And the Edith Cavell Roadway will still be closed-off to vehicle traffic.

Please drop me an email if this interests you:

Website Back Online!!

I’ve finished updating the back-end coding of the website. Please let me know if you find any errors by sending a message to

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK