VCC Update – October 23, 2020

‘Tis the Season …

As I look outside my window and see snowflakes falling, it can only mean …

Trainer Time!

Or, for some it means Bar Mitts and Fat Bikes!

Outdoor riding is still possible, with the right equipment and layering like you would for a day of cross country skiing. I’m sure the skiing is on its way too, as soon as we get some real snow accumulation to drop like the temperatures have been dropping.

All the while, with snow or not, I’ll be starting up the Zwift Meetup rides, beginning this Saturday at 11am.

The Meetup “Keep Everyone Together” feature will be used, making these rides accessible to most ability levels. Basically, as long as you keep pedalling, you’ll keep getting sling-shot back into our peloton.

Meetups will also be configured to hide all the non-Meetup avatars (a new feature!), making our in-ride experience much less cluttered than before.

To help streamline the invite process, please sign up to show your interest in joining these virtual Meetups during our indoor riding season. You only need to SIGNUP ONCE for the entire season. I’ll keep sending you invites. You can accept or ignore from there. Your choice. Find the form >>>HERE<<<

All you need to do to get involved is:

  1. Be following “Kevin Rokosh” on the Zwift platform. Use the Zwift Companion app on your phone or tablet to search for my name – I’m the only one with that username on the platform – and select “Follow.” I can only send you an invite if you Follow me.
  2. Watch for Meetup invites to arrive in the Zwift Companion app, and accept the invitations.
  3. Show up in the Zwift platform about 5-10mins before each Meetup time begins. Once in there, you’ll shortly see a “Join Meetup” button that will take you to our own ride staging area. Late joiners should also be teleported into the group, unless I’ve created the Meetup in Race format. When it’s a race, you can only join at the scheduled start time.

It’s Also the Season for Annual General Meetings

Because of the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, this year’s AGM will be held online.

  • Place: Zoom (or similar) meeting format
  • Date: Tuesday November 17
  • Time: 7:00 pm
  • Dress: Casual … But that all depends if you share your video!
  • Drinks and Dinner: Will be provided (or not) by each person attending.

The agenda, including a list of executive positions up for renewals, will be forthcoming. Only paid-up 2020 members of Velocity Cycling Club will be emailed the Zoom meeting invite.

If you have a particular item you think should be on the agenda this year, please email it to:

There is no way around the hard work. Embrace it. – Roger Federer