VCC Update – May 1, 2020

Cycling Canada Event Status Update

Our collective efforts have mitigated the worst possible pandemic scenarios … so far. Yet we must continue following the physical distancing requirements issued by Alberta Health Services (AHS).

The ABA continues to direct clubs like ours to suspend all group riding activities until August 31. This could change only if AHS provides alternative guidance. Reading the Phase 1/2/3 reopening plans issued by the Alberta Government this week, we are likely looking at the Phase 3 timetable to resume club riding. That’s a long way off yet.

Cycling Canada has cancelled all events up to July 6 now, with their next review coming on May 25. This means all national road championships are postponed – perhaps cancelled depending on evolving pandemic restrictions. The UCI is allowing nations to hold national road championships the weekend of August 22-23. So maybe our national championships will happen at that time. But as we all have been learning during this crisis, there’s a whole big heaping helping of “maybe” and “perhaps” for us to live with this year.

In my opinion, it’ll be a matter of prudent physical distancing in all walks of life until we have a COVID-19 vaccine. This virus attacks each of us differently. That fact we’re active athletes doesn’t guarantee we’ll suffer any less or die if we catch it. Much of your response is hidden inside your genetics. Do you really know what’s lurking in there? And there’s still no strong evidence that once recovered you cannot catch COVID-19 again.

Please be patient, yet stay active.

The World Health Organization and our provincial health officers encourage us to be active outdoors, including cycling. We just need to be cautious and kind about distancing.

Giro di YEG

I’ve been working on the details for the Giro di YEG challenge I mentioned last week. It’s probably going to look a little different – yet better – than my original idea.

The Climbduro organizers have a unique and powerful online platform that integrates with Strava. It combines a fundraising angle with random prizes for participation and digital trophies for fastest times. The challenges we create would be available for any cyclist with a Climbduro account to tackle. And that’s a good thing I think.

There are no Climbduro challenges in the Edmonton area, so Velocity would be the first (and hopefully only club) to bring these to all riders around here. In this season of solo cycling, it’s an ideal opportunity for Velocity to be a leader in giving all riders a reason to ride!

And in a “backroom” fashion, I can review results from just our own members and create club-sponsored rewards exclusively for you.

Please go review and perhaps create your own account right now. If you travel to the Calgary area, they have some challenges already active, with more on the way. There’s no cost to participate.

NO Saturday Zwift Ride

Outdoor riding season has begun! Our hospitals are well within emergency capacities, so there’s nothing irresponsible about going for a solo ride. You do not risk being an added burden on the health care system if anything goes wrong.

Challenge your negative beliefs and you’ll positively change your life.

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK