VCC May 12, 2022

Saturday Ride

This week we’ll start at the Olympiette Centre at 10am. Ed Heacock will be our main ride leader. Anticipate another big group and splitting into some smaller group(s) according to your current fitness level. Please familiarize yourself with the planned route and consider being a leader for your own group.

All the ride details and sign up for the ride on our Events Calendar:

No Track Session This Week

As I’m travelling back from Milton this Monday, there will be no session. The next one will be the long weekend Monday.

EMCC Tuesday Night Racing

This week the Masters event is a 17km Individual Time Trial out west of the city on Graminia Road. If you’ve never raced before, then a Time Trial is the first event you should try!

You will need a second claim $60 membership in the Masters Club and pay either a $5 one-event entry fee or a $50 fee to race as many of the Masters events as you want this season.

Here are your resources if you’re interested in participating:

Read EMCC’s general info sheet HERE>>> EMCC Info Sheet 2022

Read their Track Night info sheet HERE>>> EMCC Track Info Sheet 2022

See the full list of planned events HERE>>> EMCC Race Calendar

Grab your EMCC Membership at this link HERE>>> EMCC Karelo Registration Here

Wednesday Hill Circuit

Let’s get this mid-week Hill Circuit started!

We’ll begin at 6:30pm from the biggest parking lot in Hawrelak Park. Please arrive in time for us to depart as close to 6:30 as possible.

You’ll find the registration form and all other ride details on the Event Calendar entry: