March 21 – 27 Update

Spring Has Broken

The brutal cold of February has finally broken into some nice riding temperatures. So let’s get our spring club rides started!

We’ll start with a Saturday ride this weekend (March 23) leaving 11am from the old Colchester Elementary School location – 23358 Township Rd 520, Sherwood Park.

This should be an easy-pace 2hr group ride. No hammering, so everyone can stick together.

Coach Kevin won’t be there to lead just yet this season. I’ll be headed to Burnaby to help run a track and road camp for the Argyll Velodrome Racing Academy’s Spring Break Camp. We have very capable members who will be on hand to lead the club ride. Please see the planned route here:

I suggest dressing in a few layers Keep your knees covered, if not your full legs. Even if the temperatures get into the low double-digits, airflow across snowy fields will make it feel colder than you expect.

Bad weather cancellations will be posted to our club Twitter channel. Make sure you follow us to see last minute announcements:

Also follow my own Twitter account, where I share occasional tips and news from the wide world of cycling:

Did You Race Last Season?

Then some of your race fees will be eligible for reimbursement. Deadline to submit your summary and receipts (receipts are necessary!) is April 15.

Please use this spreadsheet for your summary: Velocity Race Fee Expense Claim

Send your completed claim to our Treasurer, Paul Ermantrout at:

Remember … Club Membership is Mandatory for All Club Rides

It’s time to re-commit to exercise and your club helping you with that commitment. Keep yourself from becoming a lazy old person. Embrace exercise, learning and exposure to new environments. These help nurture new neurons and synapses in your one and only brain. Build your reserves to draw upon as you age.

Go now and complete your 2019 club membership at:

Find someone who will change your life, not just your status.

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK