VCC Update – November 6, 2020

a message from the United Nations

Looking through the window of winter …

A quick look back before looking ahead.

I thank everyone who came out for one or more of our rides this season. Each of you took the full responsibility of self-monitoring your COVID-19 symptoms, and used the ride sign-on forms to report that you were symptom-free and ready to ride.

All of our rides were a success! We had zero COVID exposures. No contract tracing was needed. I had your 100% cooperation in using the sign-on forms, with no one unexpectedly dropping in. We started this season with great uncertainty, with many feeling like we’d have no season at all. Again, thank you for giving us a successful season of group riding, even though it was a little bit different.

Riders still had to ride with awareness of the wheel in front and pointing out road hazards to those behind. These may seem trivial skills, but are so important for safe group riding whether we ride two-up or single file. When you spend an entire season riding solo, those skills become rusty.

So as I look through the winter months ahead to our first road rides next season, I expect we’ll still have pandemic ride restrictions. Don’t let that keep you from joining us though! Just as we rode safely as a group this season, I’m sure we’ll be able to again next season.

Looking to the winter months ahead, “lockdown” riding is something we serious Canadian Cyclists are used to. Don’t let the continuing pandemic be any excuse not to keep training through the winter. Set a consistent schedule of trainer time, at least 3 sessions each week. Keep getting outdoors with running, skiing, skating and snowshoeing. You’ll emerge from winter with the enduring fitness base to start next season strong.

All of us athletes (and you all are allowed to claim the title of “athlete” for yourself!) need to at least maintain our fitness across the year. An extended break will most certainly leave you with at least another full year to re-achieve the fitness level your current active lifestyle has given you. Do not give up because of this pandemic. Do not give up because of anything!

Let’s keep our plans for a spring riding camp in Penticton next season. Let’s expect we’ll have events and races next year. Let’s train for all of this through the winter.

And if cancellations continue? Appreciate the fitness lifestyle you live and all of the mental and physical benefits that working out gives you. It’s not all about events and racing. It should never be all about events and racing. It’s about the journey along the way.

It’s about exploring your world on two wheels.

It’s about exploring friendships found on group rides.

And it’s about finding the grit in you to keep on riding.

Keep on Zwifting

Throughout the winter months I’ll be hosting Saturday Zwift Meetup rides at 11am.

Please put your name on this form >>>HERE<<<

I only need your name on the form once for the whole indoor season. It gives me an organized method to send out Meetup invites. You can decide to join or not if it fits with your schedule. I won’t be concerned if you don’t show up on a ride-by-ride basis.

There are a few technical things you need to do inside Zwift to receive my invites:

  1. Be following “Kevin Rokosh” on the Zwift platform. Use the Zwift Companion app on your phone or tablet to search for my name – I’m the only one with that username on the platform – and select “Follow.” I can only send you an invite if you Follow me.
  2. Watch for Meetup invites to arrive in the Zwift Companion app, and accept the invitations.
  3. Show up in the Zwift platform about 5-10mins before each Meetup time begins. Once in there, you’ll shortly see a “Join Meetup” button that will take you to our own ride staging area. Late joiners should also be teleported into the group, unless I’ve created the Meetup in Race format. When it’s a race, you can only join at the scheduled start time.

I’ll look for opportunities to add another ride or two each week. Watch for the extra invites from me as we get deeper into the indoor season.

Remember You Can Ride with Cycling Canada Too

With Cycling Canada’s Esports Team.

Ride and race this winter with some of Canada’s finest Esports athletes!

Cycling Canada hosts Monday co-ed tune-up rides. Tuesday rides are for women only. The Wednesday night race series will have A through E ability categories.

See their upcoming schedule >>>HERE<<<.

And Calgary’s Midweek Mayhem Has Zwift Racing Too

Bicisport’s Brent Topilko is hosting Zwift races on Tuesdays at 7pm. He’d like to see some of us YEG riders join in the racing fun too.

Check out the sign up details >>>HERE<<<

Annual General Meeting Reminder

Your club had the foresight last year to create new bylaws permitting the AGM to be held using a virtual format. Who knew that over a year ago this type of meeting format would become the norm?

The meeting is just 11 days away. Only those members with active 2020 memberships will receive an email invite with agenda to participate.

  • Place: Zoom (or similar) meeting format
  • Date: Tuesday November 17
  • Time: 7:00 pm

If you have a particular item you think should be on the agenda this year, please email it to:

Last Weekly Club Update

This will be your last weekly club update. Expect monthly updates throughout the winter months.

No matter what happens, it is within my power to turn it to my advantage. – Epictetus