VCC Update – May 28, 2021

Return to Group Rides Coming

With the “Open for Summer” plan released by the provincial government this week, we will again be able to offer our physically distanced pace line group rides.

Stage 1 of the Open for Summer plan begins on June 1. So next Saturday, June 5, we’ll be able to ride in groups of up to 10 riders (total, including a ride coach/leader).

I’ll also offer another Group Riding Skills Clinic on Sunday, June 6. New club riders and those who want to ensure they’re ready to follow a wheel again, please sign up for the clinic.

This is an optimistic plan released by the government. I’m not convinced we’ll get all the way to no restrictions come early July. Nonetheless, I’m sure all of us will appreciate being outdoors with some kind of togetherness again, and following some wheels on a group ride down the county roads surrounding our city.

I’ll publish sign-up forms for next weekend’s activities in next week’s club update.

Summer Solstice Challenge

I’m cooking up a little club cycling challenge for the weekend of June 19-20, to mark the longest day of the year and acknowledge Velocity Cycling Club as Edmonton’s longest-serving bicycling club. Stay tuned for more details!

Trying too hard not to make a mistake is often the biggest mistake one can make. Free it up and go play!

Dr. Jim Afremow