VCC Update – May 15, 2020

Spread Positivity

A Careful Reopening

Haircuts and some more shopping have returned. Physical distancing continues, and that still means group riding is not an option yet.

I can see some ways we might be able ride in small groups in one of the next reopening phases. But just not yet please.

In the meantime we can get creative with ways to offer some ride “programming” and stay on-side with our provincial health guidelines. Remember, it’s not forever. Just for now.

Here’s a creative idea for this long weekend …

Juventus Cycling Club Ride & Seek

Juventus has invited us to participate in their Long Weekend Scavenger Hunt. More might come throughout the season too.

It’s a scavenger hunt with a cycling twist. Follow the clues in JuvenutsCCRide&Seek.

Ride and post your pictures to Instagram using the hashtag #jccride&seek before Monday May 18 at midnight. If you did it all in one ride, post a screenshot of your gps track as well. There could be prizes beyond just rising to this little challenge.

Giro di YEG Sneak Peek

This week the final details should be worked out for the first two stages of the Giro di YEG. These first challenges will benefit the charity supporting hospitals across Canada. And there will be prizes just for participating. All of the cycling community is invited, so please spread the word.

Sign up and link your Strava account at

Here’s your peek:

Velocity’s Ardrossan Prologo Tappa – Giro di YEG

The start is just south of the intersection with TWP 534, and well before the first tree on the right (west) side of the road. The finish is the driveway with the brick gate posts on the left (east), before the last property with a white wooden fence. Please take a good look at the STRAVA segment details.

Yes, the old Velocity Ardrossan stage race TT course for this one. The only thing on this ride to fear is your resolve. Be strong to the end! Maybe you’ll want your TT bike for old-time’s sake??

Velocity’s Ardrossan Principale Tappa – Giro di YEG

The start is south of TWP 540 at the first driveway on the right (west) side of the road. The finish is the first row of trees on the left (east) side of the road at the beginning of the stretch of 4 properties at the south end of RR 224 just before reaching HWY 16 and the Service Road.

We are throwing back to the classic days of Velocity’s Ardrossan stage race for this one. This was “the” selection point on the road circuit. Get out and put your game face on because no matter what you do, this will sting. Perhaps try to hunt your best time on a tailwind day. Good luck!

Planning the Jakroo Clothing Store Reopening

With our slow return to normal, we have some stability to reopen our store to offer bulk order discount pricing. I’ll work with Jakroo over this next week to get the store open for a two-week time frame. You’ll have an opportunity to order everything you need this season. Perhaps a bodo/buff will make a great option for a face mask this year! Watch for my announcement

Women Are Not Small Men

You may not know that researchers derive the majority of training and recovery findings from studies with mostly male subjects. The results are typically extrapolated to everyone.

But the estrogen and progesterone profiles of the menstrual cycle cannot be ignored. Their peaks and valleys will affect women’s training and recovery approaches.

I’ve changed my coaching practice in recent years to work more in tune with each woman’s reproductive cycle. It’s a simple fact of life that’s been ignored far too long. And so obviously natural too! None of us would be here without our mothers’ period. Period!

So, if you’re a woman, don’t ignore your menstrual cycle. A useful app that some of the women I coach use to track their cycles is FitrWoman. It helps establish the regularity of your cycle and provides tips to alter your training approach throughout your menstrual phases. Please check it out and make a difference in your training this year!

You are the sky. Everything else — it’s just the weather. – Pema Chodron