VCC Update – June 5, 2020

image with text do your part 2m apartA Return to Riding??

With low levels of COVID-19 community transmission, the ABA has given Alberta clubs a cautionary OK to resume club riding. It’s nothing like what we’ve been used to, but it is a start. What would it look like?

You can see the ABA’s COVID-19 Return to Play Protocol for yourself at THIS LINK.

The overall strategy is:

  • respect the 2m minimum physical distancing
  • pre-ride screen each rider to eliminate anyone who might have or have been exposed to COVID-19
  • facilitate contact tracing should anyone on a group ride become positive for COVID-19

First and foremost, we all have a new waiver to sign, accepting the risks surrounding COVID-19 exposure, and agreeing to hold harmless all of us (the ABA, your club members, directors, volunteers, and coach) from any and all risks regarding COVID-19. If you don’t sign this waiver, you cannot participate in any club ride this season.

Preview the Adult version of this waiver here: ABA – Adult Waiver COVID 2020

Preview the under-18 version here: ABA – Waiver UNDER Age of Majority COVID 2020

What would a road ride look like?

For road rides, we are limited to these protocols:

  • Including a designated Ride Leader, a group ride may consist of a maximum of 10 people
  • Passing is only allowed when safe to do so following the 2m social distancing rule
  • No spitting, snot rockets; cough into your elbow
  • Stagger the start of multiple group rides by 30mins to minimize overlap of participants finishing with those arriving to start their ride
  • Request participants to arrive only 15 minutes ahead of their ride time to ensure a limited number of people are waiting to ride

Each ride would look like a paceline leaving about one wheel diameter between each rider, with riders dropping back/passing at least 2m to the side of the paceline to follow the 2m physical distancing rule.

As your Club Coach I would be one Ride Leader. I can offer the group some drill direction in-ride, to make it more than just a simple paceline. But typical social interactions during the ride will be far less than we’re used to.

If we have more than 10 members interested in riding, we’ll need other members to step forward (pedal forward! 😊 ) to also serve as Ride Leaders. Please consider if you can be a Ride Leader in the interest poll I’m conducting (see below).

If we don’t get more Ride Leaders the solution is simple: I cap each ride at 9 pre-registered members (plus me, the Ride Leader, makes the group 10). Anyone else must ride unsanctioned and uninsured on their own that day.

What would an MTB ride look like?

The ABA MTB Ride protocols are similar to the road. But 2m physical distancing on trails is next to impossible now with so many non-members using river valley trails. It’s not possible to have any club MTB rides inside of the ABA protocols.

Other Protocol Highlights

  • If you have any high-risk medical issues or live in close contact with anyone who does, do not sign the COVID-19 waiver and do not participate.
  • The designated Ride Leader is responsible for the group during the training ride. The Ride Leader shares information with the group, ensures all laws and regulations are being followed and is responsible for ensuring everyone’s safety. Each Ride Leader must have PPE on-hand in case of any roadside emergency (sanitizer, mask and gloves).
  • Riders must register their attendance at any group ride so we have a record of their name, email and phone number. This ride record must be held for 6 weeks and available to facilitate contact tracing in the event of an outbreak.
  • Participants must acknowledge the “COVID-19 all-clear” checklist immediately prior to participation in EVERY group ride
  • Riders must carry their own hand sanitizer
  • No sharing of food/tools/water bottles
  • All riders must bring all food and fluids they will need for their session
  • There should be no loitering before or after the activity. Ride Leaders should remind participants to follow physical distancing even after attending a group ride and be cognizant of the group they are representing when in team apparel.

Note with 2m separations, chance of wheel overlap and therefore crashes will be greatly minimized. Therefore, there’s low risk to needing to use PPE. And if you are properly self-supported, you will not need anyone’s help for mechanical assistance eliminating the need for touch point sanitation before and after.

Do We Try Organizing A Ride?

If there’s sufficient member interest, we’ll consider organizing a ride. The earliest date would be Saturday, June 13.

I’ve created a Google Poll to survey your interest. Before next Wednesday, June 10, please Tell Us Your Interest >>ON THIS GOOGLE FORM<< (Even if you’re not interested, please still reply and tell us NO).

We still have a pandemic on our hands, with many unknowns ahead of us. In our favour right now is the extremely low level of community transmission in the Edmonton area. If we decide to move ahead with group rides, we of course still follow evolving directions from Alberta Health Services. Any spike in local community spread would most likely cancel group rides again indefinitely.

So please, weigh-in with your interest using >>THIS GOOGLE FORM<<

Jakroo Clothing Reminder

Only a few days left to submit your order at the once-a-season discount pricing.

Get your orders in before 11:59pm June 8 at: Velocity CC Jakroo Shop.

Sizing Information/Recommended fit

Jakroo recommends using their body sizing and dimensional charts found HERE, but encourage all customers to contact them for a fitting recommendation if you are unsure.

To receive a fitting recommendation, please email our (new) Jakroo Account Manager Ryan McKee ( with the following measurements:

Desired fit style (ex. fitted, loose)
Waist (at navel)

Windy Days Help Challenge the Giro di YEG

Don’t curse the winds, embrace them! Any time you see North or Northwest winds, go challenge the Prologo Tappa just north of Ardrossan.

There’s no limit to how many times you attack that old ITT hill. Mitchell Thomas has already stomped the climb 5 times and still sits atop the leaderboard. 4 Velocity riders have tested their legs too, with Roy Robinson holding the club’s top spot.

Don’ know what it’s all about yet?  Go see our 2020 Giro di YEG event page.

Physical prizes are posted – you just need to ride to qualify to win.

Velodrome Open

Drop me an email if you want a Velocity-only session at the track anytime soon. We can find a 2-hour session time on a future Saturday or Sunday for up to 6 riders. I’d be happy to coach you, adhering to AVA’s COVID Rules of Operation.

Visit the Argyll Velodrome website for details.

If you’re interested please send me an email:

Improve by addition but also by subtraction … by eliminating unnecessary behaviours and time wasters.