Riding Returns!
This Saturday we will try our first COVID-19 “inspired” group ride!
Have you purchased your 2020 Club Membership? If not, you must have it in order to ride. Go >> HERE NOW!
Have you signed and submitted the new ABA COVID Waiver? If you joined the club on June 6 or later, you’ve already done this on Karelo. For everybody that joined prior to this date you MUST sign the ABA COVID Waiver in order to participate. This waiver is structured to accept a digital signature format, so it can all be completed electronically.
Download HERE >>> ABA – Adult Waiver COVID 2020 and email your completed form to Coach Kevin Coaching@VelocityCyclingClub.ca
We’ll stage in groups of 10 from the Ardrossan Rec Centre for about 60kms, and challenge the Giro di YEG Prologo Tappa on the ride!
You must PREREGISTER before 8:30AM on Saturday, June 13, for this ride using this >> GOOGLE FORM If you do not preregister, sorry you cannot ride that day. Absolutely no drop-ins will be accepted.
Here’s the link to the Strava route to see the plan: https://www.strava.com/routes/28614385
Also, if you’d like to participate in the Giro di YEG, make sure you’ve registered for the Climbduro Digital Challenges – all the details are on >>THIS PAGE
MS Charity Ride Has Gone Physically Distanced This Year
If you’re looking for another challenge this season and want to raise money for the MS Society, you can still do it this year.
Ride in their virtual community to motivate yourself this season. They’re targeting July 25-26 to host a weekend online event to bring it all together.
Go to the >>MS BIKE website to see how it all works!
Show up, work hard, and give it your all.