VCC Update – August 27, 2021

Last Ride of August

Time keeps on slipping … into the future. Hmm, might be dating myself with that reference.

But yes, August is almost over. A pleasant forecast is on deck for Saturday, with the last 9am start for the season. Look to see the next scheduled club ride to begin later, after the calendar flips to September

I’ve got no conflicting commitments this weekend. So please join me for the start at the Ardrossan Rec Centre.

The route is about 74kms with almost equal portions north and south of Ardrossan.

Here is our route:

Save this link and/or download it to your GPS bike computer.

Pre-register by 7:30am Saturday morning for the ride >>>HERE<<<

Last Monday Track Night of 2021

This will be our last Track Night this coming week. The following week the velodrome will be closed for the Holiday Monday. And after, track times are usually limited to mid-day bookings, mostly because the sun starts setting too early. Damn the machinations of the Universe!

Please register yourself at: Monday August 30 Track Sign-Up

Wednesday Hill Circuit Night

New start time this week for the hill circuit: 6pm. Curse the sunset again for moving the time.

I’ll be keeping these rides on our calendar as long as sunset is staying no earlier than about 8pm.

Register for this ride on the form >>>HERE<<< by noon Wednesday.

Draft Airport Fondo Routes

Here are links to the 3 Fondo routes I’ve drafted:

Cessna Fondo (86km):

737 Fondo (161km):

Jumbo Jet Fondo (240km):

Our plan will be to all start together at the Olympiette Centre at about 7:30-8:00 on Saturday, September 4.

The Cessna route will touch on the Cooking Lake and International Airports before heading back to the Olympiette Centre.

The 737 Fondo will continue on to the Parkland Airstrip and then loop back to the Olympiette Centre.

The Jumbo Jet will add stops at Villeneuve, fly by the old Namao airbase, touch down at Warren Thomas (Josephburg), see how small the Lechelt Field Airport is, and finally drag ourselves to back to the Olympiette Centre.

If the weather gets really foul that day, the fondos will likely be cancelled.

I will have at least one support vehicle for the Jumbo Jet.

The Cessna can probably get back to the Olympiette Centre without further support.

The 737 could probably use their own support vehicle for the route back to the Olympiette Centre.

If you have any family or friends that might want to drive support that day, please let me know

BMX Nationals in Calgary This Weekend

After cancellation last year because of COVID, the Cycling Canada National BMX Championships are running this weekend in Calgary.

Velocity has a number of members racing this weekend. Good luck to you all! Take some photos – I’d be happy to share them in an upcoming club update message.

Life may not be about your bike, but it sure can help you get through it.
