May 25 Weekly Update

According to our president and club weatherman, Ed Heacock, we’re headed towards the rainiest month on Alberta’s calendar – June. Yesterday we had a little taste of the havoc that can mean to our club rides … a last-minute cancellation.

I hate having to do that.

I find the fastest way to put the news out there is through the club’s Twitter feed, with a little supplementation on Facebook. You can always find the latest club Tweets on our website. And of course you can follow directly on Twitter: @VelocityBikeAB You can bookmark that link to use in your browser, even if you don’t have your own Twitter account.

Speaking of the club website …

If all goes to my plan, our new-look website will be launching this next week. It’s a re-fresh over our old site, with not many real new features. Over time, there’s a few new things we’ll be trying, like perhaps a member forum, so we don’t need to stay beholden to the corporate Facebook behemoth for online member discussions.

Watch for an announcement on Twitter (and yes, Facebook) when the new site launches. The address will stay the same, but you’ll need to re-subscribe to continue receiving email updates when we publish new posts – like this Weekly Update.

Climbing Camp Postponed to September

With no reasonable accommodations available in Jasper next weekend, we’ve moved the Climbing Camp to September, most likely the weekend of September 15-16. That way we avoid the long weekend of Sept 1-3, and the DV100 Gran Fondo on September 8. It’ll be a great way to wrap up the road season, and give your cyclo-cross legs an extra training boost!

So for the June 2 & 3 weekend rides, look to see our distances bump up a bit. And if you join the Glory Hills ride, you’ll get a little climbing training without having to head to Jasper.

Confident Rider Clinic Coming Soon …

I’m working on plans for our Confident Rider Clinic – I like that name better than Learn To Ride, or Learn To Race. I want you to leave the clinic feeling more confident on your bike, whether that’s solo riding, or group riding.

I’ll need a venue, and a date. I’m considering either a mid-week session on a Wednesday, or a late afternoon session on the weekend. Please email me your preference, so I can gauge which is the better day-of-the-week to host this. Personally, I’m leaning towards a Wednesday evening. Send your email here now:

Upcoming Ride Schedule

Same as last week, with fingers crossed that the weather doesn’t play tricks on us. See last week’s post for map details.

Saturday: Endurance Ride, Ardrossan Rec Centre, 10am. Will the wind be less in our face this week??

Sunday: Hilly Endurance Ride, Spruce Grove Tri-Leisure Centre, 10am.

Monday: Track Learn To Ride (for those already enrolled in the May sessions), 6pm.

Tuesday: Hill Circuit, 6:30pm from Hawrelak Park.

Thursday: TT Intervals, The Garrison, 6:30pm

Life is short. Enjoy your ride!