June 9 – 15 Weekly Update

Hope You’ve Noticed the New Website!

After a few glitches, the site is running smoother. Please report any errors or problems to me, Coach Kevin, at coaching@velocitycyclingclub.ca.

Your weekly ride schedule will be published to the website’s CALENDAR. So you’ll never need to dig through these posts to find out what’s up and where. Important ride information will be summarized here in these Weekly Updates as needed. Last -minute updates and cancellations will be published to Twitter (and Facebook when possible).

Please Re-subscribe to the New Website

We’ve migrated to a new email list through MailChimp, and needed to clean up the old one anyway. Please either subscribe to the site through one of the buttons you can find either on the Homepage or in the Footer. Alternatively, use this form directly on MailChimp.

Race the Clock – Sunnyside Road ITT

We still need volunteers – of course! If you decide not to race, please consider lending a hand to ensure the event is a success for all participants. Use this link to volunteer.

And if you aren’t volunteering, you should be racing! Let me know if that’s in your plans this year so I can pass along a little advice. If you’re new to ITT racing, you should be coming out to our Thursday Night Threshold Intervals to learn all about pacing yourself for this kind of event.

Castrol Raceway(!) Criterium Event

On Tuesday June 26th the Castrol Raceway will be hosting – with the help of our club and Juventus – an evening of crit racing, perfect for beginners, intermediate and advanced bike racers. No race license will be necessary as long as you’re a member of an affiliated ABA club.

Here’s a basic overview of the plan for the evening:

  • 2.7 km road course that has two “interconnector roads” that allow us to break the track into two similar 1.1 km loops.
  • The two 1.1 km loops will allow us to run two events at the same time without any worry of rider interference
  • We could easily run 4 events that night – i.e. two races starting at 7:00 and two starting at 8:00
  • About $10 per racer
  • Would be like the Spring series with an A,B,C event. Could also do one for the juniors that don’t want to race A, B, or C.

Please keep that Tuesday night open on your calendars as we nail down the final details. If this first event runs well, we will be planning more throughout the season.

Good Luck Racers This Weekend!

The RMCC Road Festival this weekend hosts the Alberta Provincial Ability Category (i.e. Cats 5 through 1/2) Championships. The weather could rumble down there this weekend. Do your best everyone to stay upright and warm throughout it all.

CABC Hosts an ITT Next Weekend

As I’ve been saying many times, the Individual Time Trial (ITT) is the perfect start to everyone’s racing career. Red Deer’s CABC will be hosting a 27km ITT next Saturday – give it a shot! They’re offering single event licenses for all the non-licensed racers out there.

Groady Riders Having Fun Next Weekend Too

If you’ve got the bike and the guts, then take a crack at the Ghost of the Gravel Gran Fondo-style event in Water Valley. I’m predicting in about the next 5 years we’ll see our event calendar fill up with events like these all season long.

Start Your Week Tuning into the Club’s Direction and Planning

On Monday, 7pm, at the MEC Downtown Community Boardroom the club will again give itself the once-over to ensure we’re still on track for a great season of cycling. Come on down, listen in, and make sure YOUR CLUB is still what you want it to be.