April 19 – 25 Update

Jakroo Storefront Is Open!

In case you missed the message from earlier this week, our 2019 kit design is ready to order directly from Jakroo now. We’re holding the store open only until April 29. That way we can be fairly certain everyone will have their new kit in time for our Velocity Race Weekend, May 19-20 (the long weekend).

Once you place your order, it will be held until April 29. At that time your credit card will be charged and the order goes to production. You can make changes to your order up until April 29.

The storefront landing page is at: http://shop.jakroo.ca/Velocity-Cycling-Club-2019

Keen eyes noted this is an insecure landing page. But once you login to your account to complete your order, the website becomes secure.

Some people may still be concerned about this. So we’ve asked Jakroo if they can make the whole process secure starting with the landing page. If you’re one of the concerned, please wait for the response from Jakroo.

I haven’t waited. I placed my order.

After April 29 the storefront will re-open for additional orders, and newcomers to our club throughout the season. But those orders will not get the ideal volume pricing that we’ve set up for this first batch. So if you’re planning to buy the kit this year (and racers must at least get a jersey to follow ABA rules about wearing the proper team kit), then please order by April 29.

No Spring Series This Sunday

But there’s still one more event on April 28. Lance Adamson still needs volunteers to marshal the event. The event is run by all of us in the cycling community – not just Lance and Juventus. So each club needs to provide volunteers to make this fun fitness-testing event happen each spring. Without enough volunteers there will be no racing. Please volunteer if you will not be racing.

The most important rule for all racers: NO CENTRE-LINE VIOLATIONS!! Using a centre-line violation to move to the front of the pack is cheating. Not as egregious as doping – but it’s still cheating. Respect the rules of our sport.

Discover how to pick and choose your way through a crowded pack, without screaming down the side of the peloton. These are practice races. So please, practice your skills.

Sign-up as a volunteer on the Spring Series Signup Sheet [CLICK HERE].

April Club Meeting TONIGHT

Please show your interest in keeping the club running smoothly. Join us tonight, April 18 at 7pm, in the MEC Downtown Community Boardroom.

When Will Our Mid-week Rides Start?

Once the city gets our streets cleaned of the winter gravel, we’ll get the rides going.

We’ll be discussing what our mid-week schedule should look like this season at the April Club Meeting tonight.

NEW START LOCATION for Saturday’s Weekend Ride

The ride is moving to the west side of Edmonton for about the next month.

Meet on Saturday, 11am at the Woodbend Community Hall. Please see the Strava Route posted here: https://www.strava.com/routes/18212979


Don’t try to be better than the other guy. Just try to be better than you were the day before. That’s all you have to do. – Sam Wyche

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK