TrainingPeaks Virtual Ride
Tomorrow I’ve organized another group ride for us on TrainingPeaks Virtual, starting at 10:35am. Use this link to find our ride and see what’s planned: If you open this link and click the TrainingPeaks Virtual button just below the Start List section, you can log into your TrainingPeaks account and then sign up for the ride.
Alternatively, put the event access code 458458 (I’m going to keep using this code) in the appropriate field in your Profile > Racing License > Event Access Code area of your TrainingPeaks Virtual Profile, and this ride will also show up for you in the Events list inside TrainingPeaks Virtual. From there you can sign up for the ride too.
I’ve configured the ride to allow Racebots to join us. These guys fooled me last time, as I thought they were all real! They behave just like other club riders, and even have real-sounding names and behaviours. So if our own group is small, it will be filled in with these Racebots and your ride experience will be just like riding with a large club ride, with a rubber band to keep us together. But unlike Zwift, I’ve also got the in-ride control to change how strong this rubber band effect is. I can do things like turn it down or off for sprints or climbs so you can have a more real experience of chasing each other down. I can also dial it up to bring us all back together quickly if we’ve become too spread out.
Also, remember to join our TP Virtual Velocity Cycling Club! From the main command panel, select Profile > Active Team > View All Teams and search “Velocity Cycling Club” It’s the only one on there. Select Join and I’ll get a message to approve you. Then, once I’ve approved you, when you go to Profile > Avatar Display > Clothing, the Velocity Cycling Club kit will show up in your list of available options to wear.
Penticton Riding Camp
If this weather keeps up, we could be riding outside in March. Nonetheless, our Penticton riding experience is always a great way to finalize your early season training.
Book your trip from April 26 to May 4. We’ll have a week of big volume riding in the pleasant spring weather of the Okanagan Valley.
Race Fee Reminder
If you haven’t done so yet, please send in your 2024 race expenses for reimbursement. We can only reimburse you for ABA-sanctioned races. No out-of-province races nor gran fondos nor charity rides. Put all of your supporting entry fee receipts (copies of PDFs or email entry confirmations) into an email. Please total everything up and put that in the body of your email. Send them to me, Coach Kevin, and I’ll get them forwarded to our Treasurer, Paul Ermantrout. The deadline is April 1.