VCC October 5 Update

Speedy Recovery Peter!

Long-time member and one of the club’s Hardmen of Cycling, Peter Boychuk is recovering from a horrific bike crash. As we understand it, he was riding on the trails near the Mayfair Golf Club when he rounded a corner and collided with another cyclist. Peter has required critical neck surgery, and is so very lucky to still have full control of his body.

Use your off-season Peter to rest and recover to re-join us all on the club rides next season!

AGM and Club Party on November 4

After 3 years of virtual meetings, the Annual General Meeting of the club will take place in-person(!) on Friday November 4th at 6:00 PM MDT.

 At the Annual General Meeting, we will:

  1. Approve the financial statements. 
  2. Elect members to the Board of Directors.

Following the meeting (7-10 pm) we will celebrate with a party and supper.

More details, including venue location, will be coming soon.

Saturday Ride

Do we believe the forecast? There could be a high of 21° this Saturday! After my own recent days of >30°, this will be a cool relief for me … and a warm welcome for all of you still riding at home. Put the roller skis away for the weekend and come out for the Saturday ride!

Let’s enjoy some fall foliage northwest of the city. We’ll meet in the Petro-Can parking lot of the Acheson Truck Stop, just off Highway 16. This route has a short 1km gravel section (west of Patricia Hills), but it’s usually a very hard-packed section that’s easy for any road bike to handle. If that’s not the case, I’ll re-route us when we reach that section.

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK