COVID-19 Cancels March Member Meeting

Under the COVID-19 mitigation requirements, MEC has cancelled all use of their community boardrooms. And under these rapidly evolving conditions, it would have been necessary for the club to cancel the meeting anyway. We will try arranging an online method of holding the next meeting at a future date.

Please heed all directives being issued by our provincial Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Deena Hinshaw. Do not second-guess any measures that are being taken. No, you do not know better.

Bookmark this link and review it often for updates:

Appreciate all the training you’ve been doing. It’s made you as healthy as you are. Maybe even consider you’ve been training all your life for times like these. You’ll get through this.

There are many issues out of your control right now. But maintaining your training routine is one positive thing you can do that helps release some anxiety. Find your own way to keep active and keep riding.

I don’t care if you’ve heard it many times already: wash your hands. Often.

Social distancing works.

We must flatten the curve of COVID-19 infections or else our medical system will become too overwhelmed to help the most sick, be that from COVID-19 or any other life-threatening illness. Alberta has only 8 acute-care ICU beds per 100,000 people.

Take care of your families and yourselves.

Coach Kevin