VCC Update – December 2020

Welcome Your 2021 Club Executive

At last month’s club AGM, we re-installed the Officers and brought on four new Directors-at-Large.

Your 2021 board members are:

  • President: Ed Heacock
  • Vice-President: Kevin Coghlan
  • Treasurer: Paul Ermantrout
  • Secretary: David Watson
  • Director-at-large: Nikoo Najand
  • Director-at-large: Peter Sherstan
  • Director-at-large: Al Pearson

Much appreciation goes to our out-going directors: Perry Dalmer, Bernie Fagnan, Oliver Walls and Jason Redfern.

December Board Meeting

Expect to receive an email invite to our December board meeting to be held using Zoom.

Date: Monday December 14
Time: 7:00 pm

Agenda items will be:

  • duration of officer/member at large positions
  • upcoming events we will support/promote and how we get started, including early season COVID-approved events for all members
  • 2021 budget
  • coach’s report

If you have a particular item you want included on the agenda, please email it to:

Saturday Zwift Riding

I’ve moved up the start time for the rides to 10:30am. If you haven’t put your name on the list to receive all invites going forward (no worries, you’re not obligated to join any of the rides), please use this form >>>HERE<<<

Club Cross Country Skiing

Once we’ve moved back to a safer COVID situation in the province, Ed will lead a weekend cross country ski session for anyone interested. Please watch for an announcement in the future.

In the meantime …

Please Stay Safe in the Coming Weeks

Now in Alberta, more than any point during the pandemic so far, please take extra precautions to stay safe. Our health care system is cracking and could well split wide open. You do not want to find yourself in hospital or needing medical care for any reason right now.

Towards the end of 2021 we’ll be leaving COVID behind. Life will be getting back to normal.

But our vaccines haven’t arrived yet. It will be months. We must buckle down with respecting all restrictions (mandatory and recommended). We don’t want to lose anyone in the metaphorical minutes just before the armistice takes effect.

Achieving 50% of something is better than achieving 100% of nothing.