VCC Update – August 13, 2021

Happy Friday the 13th!

Nothing nefarious planned for this weekend.

Well, maybe the weather will feel hellishly hot again, but you know how to prep for that: a little pre-ride hydration by sipping (not gulping) throughout the day. And carry more fluids on your bike than you might normally drink.

This weekend both Ed and myself will not be able to lead the Saturday ride. Please consider being a Ride Leader for the club by knowing/downloading the planned route for the day and making sure your group sticks together. We ride “no-drop” on these Saturday rides. Be kind and watch out for each other.

The route is the 80km course we did a few weeks ago on TWP510 to Lindbrook where you can stop to refuel if needed.

On your way south from the Olympiette Centre, TWP 512 might still be under construction (paving was happening there early this week and could be all finished now). If that’s the case, just keep riding one more TWP road south to TWP 510 and turn left (east) there.

Here is the route:

Save this link and/or download it to your GPS bike computer.

Pre-register by 7:30am Saturday morning for the ride >>>HERE<<<

Monday Track Night

Track Night runs from 5 to 7pm.

This week we’ll warm up together, before getting into your leg-chiselling track drills!

Please register so I know who all to expect: Monday Track Sign-Up

Wednesday Hill Circuit Night

Strap on your climbing legs and come challenge yourself and your teammates!

Pre-register for this ride on the form >>>HERE<<< by noon Wednesday.

Airport Fondo

Block-off Saturday, September 4 for the club-only 2021 edition of the Airport Fondo!

I’m working on 3 distance options, so everyone can find the right challenge. They’ll be appropriately called the Cessna, 737 and Jumbo Jet versions!

Plan on an early start for all versions. We will have a support vehicle available at each airport we reach. You’ll be able to drop/pick-up your gear if needed. And you’ll be able to cache your own extra ride nutrition and drinks so you won’t need to be packing it all with you or be relying on county stores.

Club Casino Dates

The club’s primary funding source comes from 2 nights of volunteer casino work.

We’ve received notice that our dates are: December 7 and 8, 2021 (a Tuesday & Wednesday).

Volunteer position sign-ups will be organized in the coming months. In the meantime, please block off some time on one or both of those days so you can help out.

Cyclers see considerably more of this beautiful world than any other class of citizens. A good bicycle, well applied, will cure most ills this flesh is heir to.

Dr. K. K. Doty