June 22-28 Weekly Update

More Road Racing Ahead

It’s a big weekend of racing, with Velocity members both on their bikes and on the registration tables.

ERTC is re-launching Alberta’s cycling classic, The Pigeon Lake Road Race. Many of us have missed racing this event, and appreciate seeing ERTC put it back together for the racing community.

On Sunday, we host our own Race the Clock Individual Time Trial. Kevin Coghlan has been organizing the event with a great team of club volunteers. If you’re out racing that day, please be sure to say thank you to everyone that’s made the day possible.

And a few interruptions to our ride schedule

Saturday’s ride will still be a go from the Ardrossan Rec Centre, but Coach Kevin will not be there to lead. I’m racing with the team at Pigeon Lake that day.

And on Sunday, we’ll be busy hosting the Race the Clock ITT.

Next Tuesday, our Hill Circuit will be replace by …

Criterium Racing at Castrol Raceway

Details are on this page of our website: Crits At Castrol Please spread the word to all your bike racing friends!

This night of racing is an excellent entry-way to bike racing in a safe, closed roadway environment. Please watch the weather, though. If it’s raining that evening the racing will most likely be cancelled.

Looking ahead to Canada Day Weekend

Our Thursday intervals will continue next week, to keep your ITT racing legs tuned for the next event. There are still more on offer this season.

Then as we enter the Canada Day weekend, let’s continue with the Saturday ride, but it might be time to think of a new start location. Maybe on the west side? Send Coach Kevin your ideas: coaching@velocitycyclingclub.ca. Sunday’s ride will be replaced by the Canada Day Crit. So consider entering, or spend some of your day doing a little urban exploring, and watch your club mates race in Edmonton’s traditional Canada Day event. Check the ABA Events Calendar for race day details.