VCC March 6 Update

Pump Up Your Tires – First Club Road Ride of 2025!

With a couple of weeks worth of warm(ish) weather in the region, it looks like we can launch our first club road ride this Saturday. The temperature will be stretching towards about 10°C. So let’s meet at 11am at the Olympiette Centre for an easy 60km start to the year.

If the weather goes sideways or there is any reason we need to cancel this ride (or any ride during the season), please visit the club website to find updates. An announcement bar will appear at the top of the website to publish any last minute changes.

Download the ride route from our Event Calendar:

River Valley Rucking and Social
Curt Roper is still leading our Wednesday 6pm ruck from Panini’s Restaurant (149 Street location), into the river valley trails and back. Post-ruck plans are snacks and drinks together at Panini’s. Wear good walking shoes. A rucksack isn’t mandatory, but if you add a little extra weight, this will be a great complement to your base training. With the time change coming this Sunday, we might have daylight for most of the ruck this week.

Club Monthly Zoom Meeting
Next Thursday, March 13, is our regular monthly meeting at 7pm. Please watch your email for the private Zoom meeting link so you can tune-in.

April Jakroo Opening
Jakroo is our club kit provider. Though the storefront remains open for on-demand orders throughout the season, hold-off ordering anything new right now.

We coordinate a 2-week open window in April each year when members can place their individual orders and everyone benefits from final volume discount pricing at the end of the order window. Stay tuned for a further update when we’ll set the actual dates. It usually runs through the middle 2 weeks of April, so everyone can get their new kit by the beginning of May.

Penticton Riding Camp
We’re heading to Penticton for a big week of training again this year, April 26 to May 4. Tentative ride details are posted on the calendar: