Back to Virtual Riding
For a few days this week I thought we could be riding outside again tomorrow. But it’s looking frosty again, with “feels like” temperatures not really getting above 0°C.
So instead of riding outdoors, I’ll set up 2 indoor rides tomorrow – one at 10am on Zwift and a second at 11:05 on TrainingPeaks Virtual. Take your pick. I’ll be riding both.
For Zwifters, I’ll send invites to club members (that I know of) who are following me on Zwift. If you can put “VCC” at the end of your avatar name in Zwift, I’ll find you more easily in my list of followers.
For TP Virtual users (free to all until the end of March – then included no extra charge for TP Premium Athlete account holders afterwards), here’s your sign-up link for tomorrow:
River Valley Rucking
Add a little hiking and stair climbing mid-week with Curt Roper. We leave from Panini’s Restaurant (149 Street location) at 6pm Wednesday.
April Clothing Orders
Our Jakroo store is closed now. It will be open from April 7 to April 20 for our coordinated 2-week ordering window.
Our graphic designs remain the same. But a few items have new fit, finish and fabrics, all at the same costs as in previous years. Updated items are the Long Sleeve MOLTO jersey, Echelon PRO skin suit and Vapour ECLIPSE wind vest.
Dig through your old kit inventory, and see what needs replacing or added!
Weekly Ride Schedule
This season, our weekly ride schedule will be looking along the lines of:
Monday – Track Session at the Argyll Velodrome. This is our last season outdoors. We’ll then need to figure out the indoor schedule, when we can start using the new Coronation Velodrome next winter.
Tuesday – Re-launching a weekly MTB ride in the river valley.
Wednesday – River valley hill circuit
Thursday – Track League at Argyll
Saturday – Regular weekly endurance ride
Sunday – Long(er) weekly endurance ride
Penticton Riding Camp
Join us in Penticton for a big week of training again this year, April 26 to May 4. Given our current trade climate with the Americans, we’ll forgo the Washington State ride this year and ride a version of the Penticton Ironman loop, like we’ve done in past years. Tentative ride details will be posted on the calendar: