VCC July 18 Update

Hot Weather Riding

With the blazing summer sun continuing straight through the weekend, I’m going to take us slightly off-script. Saturday’s ride will start at 9am, and the ride is only going to be about 60km. It’s still going to be hot at the finish, but hopefully not dangerously hot.

Fill a bottle about half-way and then freeze it overnight (a full bottle might expand too much and burst open when frozen). Then top it up Saturday morning before the ride. If you use this as bottle #2, it might still be a little bit cool when you need it. For bottle #1, fill it with ice cubes first. You might get about 45mins of cool drinking from it before all the ice has melted.

And remember the 2-hour pre-hydration tip from last week: start drinking water as soon as you get up Saturday morning, and keep sipping right up until ride time.

We’ll ride from Charlesworth Way to Cooking Lake and back. If we’re lucky, the temperature won’t quite reach 30° by the time we’re done. And if you want more, feel free to keep going! But make sure you’ve packed at least a 3rd water bottle to support you.

Sunday Gravel Ride
Keeping the heat in mind again today, I’ll put the option to ride from Emerald Hills in Sherwood Park, up to Fort Saskatchewan, and back.

Track Night
6:30pm again this week. Tonight will have a Power/Sprint focus.

Midweek Race
Once I get the details for this week’s race, I’ll send them out again in a special email update. Or, check out the Edmonton Midweek Racing Club website directly to see if they’ve posted the details already:

Wednesday Hills
As long as rain and/or severe thunderstorms don’t wash us out, meet at 6:30pm in Emily Murphy Park for our 2 hour circuit.

Airport Fondo Will Launch on August 24
I’ve heard no push-back for the date change, so August 24 will stand. Two very hardy souls have already signed up for the full 242km “treat.” What will it be for you? Check out the details and make your decision today. Then you’ll have just over a month to get ready: