VCC August 15 Update

Club Meeting Tonight

If you’re a 2024 paid-up club member, you will have received a brief email with details to attend the club meeting via Zoom tonight at 7pm. I don’t publish that link here, because these updates also get posted on our website for the entire world to see. These meetings are for current club members only. You’re more than welcome to just come listen and meet some of your executive members, if you haven’t already met them in person.

Saturday Ride
Fingers crossed for some clear air! That goes for everyone headed to ride the Festivus of Gravel on Saturday too. The rest of you can join us at the Olympiette Centre for an 80km ride. Keep your eyes for cancellations though, if the AQHI is still a 7 or higher. I’ll post an update to LinkMyRide and our website by 8:30 Saturday morning if needed.

Sunday Gravel Ride
I’m not scheduling a gravel ride this weekend as I assume the “Rule V” gravel riders will be a bit cooked from the Festivus, no matter what distance they ride.

Track Night
I’ll have an endurance session planned for our 6:30pm slot on Monday.

Wednesday Hills
Hill start from Emily Murphy Park at 6:30pm. Add some intensity to your week!

Midweek Race
The series will be wrapping up at the end of August. Check the Edmonton Midweek Racing Club website for this week’s event – it’s usually updated by the end of Tuesday.

Airport Fondo Just 1 Week Away
Time to commit! Our regular Saturday ride next week will be the 94km Cessna route. The more ambitious riders can choose the 737 or Jumbo Jet routes. Be warned, though the Jumbo Jet is 242km long, and you really need to have logged a number of 100+km rides this season if you have any hope to finish it!

Please get your name on one of the sign-up lists posted on the event page (linked below). This will let me have the support planned for the longer routes.