October 26 Club Ride

Acheson Petro-Can 102 Township Rd 531A, Acheson, Alberta, Canada

Where: Staging from the Petro-Can parking lot in Acheson (just off HWY 16 west of Edmonton - see the map below) NEW!!  When: 11am - This is our departure time. Please arrive about 15 minutes before What: About 67kms. Here's the Strava Route Link: VCC October 26 Route How: Please download the ride route. If ...


2024 AGM and Club Party

Belgravia Community League Hall 11540 73 Ave NW, Edmonton, alberta, Canada

At the Annual General Meeting, our main agenda items are: Treasurer's Report. Elect members to the Board of Directors: President: Brad Streadwick (2nd year) Creation Of Past President role: Ed Heacock has agreed to fill Vice-President: Nikoo Najand (Up for election, looking for candidates) Treasurer: Paul Ermantrout (Up for election - Paul will let his ...


March 8 Club Ride

Strathcona Olympiette Centre 52029 Range Rd 224, Sherwood Park, Alberta, Canada

Where: Staging from Olympiette Centre When: 11am - This is our departure time. Please arrive about 15 minutes before What: About 60kms. Here's the Strava Route Link: VCC March 8 Route How: Please download the ride route from Strava. If you don't use Strava, then here is the GPX version of the route: VCC - ...


2025 Penticton Riding Camp

Penticton, BC 914 Lakeshore Drive, Penticton, BC, Canada

Where: Staging from the Tiki Shores Motel in Penticton, BC. When: 11am (unless otherwise noted) - Daily ride departure time from Sunday, April 28 to Saturday, May 4 (April 27 and May 5 are expected travel days for most). Please arrive each day about 15 minutes before What: Various routes and distances throughout the week. ...
