VCC September 5 Update

Afterburner Gravel – Volunteers Needed

It’s Catching On!
Last year we got a hardy 11 registrations. This year we’ve got … 75!!

45 men and 14 women will be vying for the Provincial Championship on our 105km course. 16 others will be riding the 56km recreational route.

Let’s make sure we can run a safe, professional and exciting day for everyone this Sunday!! We still need about 9 more volunteers. Please see where we need your help on our Volunteer Sign Up Form.

This year we’ve got on-site camping available. You could make a weekend out of it even as a volunteer.

All the event details are on our Event Calendar, with even more shared in the Tech Guide linked on the calendar too. New this year are a post-ride bike wash and even rider showers available at a nominal cost!

VO2max Testing
Interested in knowing what a few of your key performance markers are? We’re looking to arrange a night or two of testing at the University of Alberta Kinesiology lab. The cost would be $108/person if we have enough group interest. Testing is done individually and takes about 45mins.

We’re considering September 16, 17 or 18, starting at 6pm. Interested? Send me an email ASAP with your preferred night (if any) and we’ll see what we can arrange. If the group is big enough, we could put together 2 nights of testing.

Saturday Ride
The ride this weekend will be on the short side at 50km, letting some of you gravel racers use it as a simple activation session for the Afterburner. And it’ll also leave time for those who might be camping in Alder Flats to get away in good time later Saturday afternoon.

Meet 10am on the west side at Edgemont Landing.

Doc’s Hilly Medicine
This week I’ll be wrapping up our hill nights with Dave “Doc” Watson’s favourite river valley hill circuit. We’re quickly running out of our evening sunlight, so we’ll meet at 6pm and start the ride from the Ritchie Market.