VCC July 25 Update

Volatile Conditions

Well, this past weekend didn’t work out too well! These wildfire smoke conditions can change within an hour. I will do my best to issue a final call on our rides by about 1.5hrs before the scheduled ride time. I’ve got a “Sticky Bar” at the top of our website, viewable on your phone or desktop. I’ll post all last-minute updates right there. You should have no troubles finding the latest call on a ride, be it about rain or air quality.

There are many apps out there that give us AQHI readings. I’ll be using the Environment Canada app/website to make the call. If you dig a bit deeper into our reported regional conditions using the phone app, you’ll see for Edmonton and Sherwood Park you can find AQHI Station reports. Edmonton has 4 stations and Sherwood Park has 3. Though it’s not going to provide exact conditions where we have our rides planned, these numbers do help understand generally how conditions are changing across the region. There are times when one area is fine and another should be avoided. I won’t actually move a ride to a better side of the city. I’ll keep it simple and just cancel. Then, you can check the numbers closest to your location and perhaps go ride on your own.

This Saturday we’ll try using Charlesworth again. With summer temperatures looking to return to a normal range, the start time is back at 10am and the ride length will be a bit longer, in the 85km range.

Sunday Gravel Ride
Your option this week is along the river up to Fort Saskatchewan and back. If the air quality is volatile, you won’t be driving far outside the city only to find it too smoky to ride.

Track Night
6:30pm again this week. Tonight will have an Endurance focus.

Midweek Race
Watch your email, or check the Edmonton Midweek Racing Club website, to see what the plan is for this coming Wednesday.

Wednesday Hills
I’ll be heading to our river valley circuit for the hill workout this week. We leave Emily Murphy Park at 6:30pm for about 1.5 to 2 hours of riding.