Coach Absence
I’m off for the next 3 weekends, returning June 10. But I’ve still got your usual rides planned. Show up on time. Take charge. And be kind to each other!
Meet in Ardrossan Saturday
It’s another ride starting in Ardrossan. This time go south before going north over HWY 16 for a 67km ride. If you omit the section north of HWY 16, your ride will be around 40km. The weather is looking cloudy and not nearly as windy as last weekend.
Good Luck to Our Stieda Racers
For most of you, this will be your first race this season … and first bike race ever! Don’t overlap wheels. Maybe leave the early breaks to go off on your own. Plan to work your ____ off in the last half! This course is relatively flat, so wind will be more of a factor than the terrain. Oh, and watch for potholes, because there are some doozies on this course!
If you aren’t racing, this is a great event to come watch on either day, though the criteriums on Sunday are when you’ll see the most consistent action. They use a points race format for the crit, so there’ll be finish-line action every four laps.
BMX Open House Day on Sunday
Pop over to Argyll Park from 1-3pm to give one of those smaller-wheeled bikes a thrilling spin! All ages are welcome. You just need to know how to ride a bike! Long pants and long sleeves are mandatory. It’s all part of the kit, just like lycra is for us roadies.
Wednesday Hill Circuit
You don’t always need a coach telling you how to ride hills, right? Meet your clubmates at 6:30pm in Emily Murphy Park. If you’re lucky, there won’t be rain this week!
And finally, this week’s Edmonton Midweek Race Club (open to all Velocity club members) meets just off Ellerslie Road in the Ivor Dent Sports field for another Shootout Group Ride (er … race). Departs at 7pm.