VCC September 2, 2022

Velocity CX on Sunday!

It’s going to be a scorcher out there … about 4x the “normal” temperature for a day of ‘cross racing. Yes, this is Alberta and shoulder-season weather can go almost any which way. Hopefully Sobey’s, our food-sponsor, will provide enough refreshments to keep everyone hydrated!

We only need about 4 more volunteers to complete our roster for the day. Please take a look at the remaining spots and help us out:

If you’re racing that day, you’ll find all the details on the Event Page:

Saturday Club Ride

With temperatures forecast to be 30+° on Saturday, we’ll leave at 9am again. This week our start location is one we haven’t used in a while: Charlesworth, just off Ellerslie Road and about 1km east of 50th Street.

The route will be about 78km, with a long stretch on TWP 510, perfect for practicing some rotating paceline skills.

No Sunday Ride

Please consider helping at our CX event today. Or race! Or at least come out and heckle a few of the riders lining up against your own club members who are competing!

Track Sessions Done

Another season of track has wrapped. Thanks to all who came out for my sessions. I hope you’ve learned some skills and gained some fitness along the way. We’ll be back on it again next spring!

EMCC Tuesday Night Racing

Only 2 weeks left in the Masters Tuesday Night Series. This week’s event is a Criterium at Research Park.

Links to the details are on our Events Calendar:

Wednesday Hill Circuit

The hill circuit will be shortened up because the approaching fall season is eating up or late-day sunshine pretty fast.

Details for the hill circuit are here:

Wednesday Night CX Worlds

Die-hard ‘cross racers, and those who wanna be, you can head to Capilano Park this week for a 7pm race start. A, B, and C ability categories offered. MTB bikes are welcome for those new to ‘cross and are looking to get their toes “muddy.”

The race venue and start time will be changing throughout the fall season, so pay attention to the details each week.

DV 100 – Saturday September 10

Drayton Valley’s DV 100 is just a week away.

I’m looking for any interest in racing in the Team Challenge: a minimum of 5 riders and maximum of 8 riders, ride the 100km loop with the average times taken from the top five riders on the teams combined. Teams are placed in separate Men’s and Women’s categories.

But, Team Challenge riders are not eligible for individual prize money. So if you’re not gunning for a top-3 placing in any of the individual categories, it’s well within our reach to put in a fantastic team showing!

Registration closes September 6. From what I can see, you register as an individual, and on race-day we declare who is actually racing as a team.

If this interests you, please let me know BEFORE September 6! Email:

Sept 7 Air Quality Concerns - Will try starting the ride as southwest AQHI looks OK