
April 19 – 25 Update

Jakroo Storefront Is Open! In case you missed the message from earlier this week, our 2019 kit design is ready to order directly from Jakroo now. We’re holding the store open only until April 29. That way we can be fairly certain everyone will have their new kit in time for our Velocity Race Weekend, …


Jakroo Online Store OPEN for Orders!

Thanks for “pre-ordering” your 2019 kit. You’ve let us determine the best volume pricing with Jakroo. And now … Our online store is ready for ordering at: Please follow through now and place your actual order directly with Jakroo TODAY! For all orders placed by: April 29, 2019, Midnight, PST, delivery will be scheduled …


April 12 – 18 Update

Jakroo Storefront Opening Monday Thanks to everyone who has let us know which new kit items they hope to order this year. It looks like we’ll get the 25+ quantity discount for our bibs and jerseys. We’re close to the 6+ quantity discounts for most of the other items. You have until NOON on Friday …


April 4 – 11 Update

2019 Clothing Launch We’re gearing up to launch our new kit design. Jakroo will manufacture and deliver your order directly to you. But before we open the store, we must give Jakroo some club quantity order estimates. Then, they’ll be able to set the best prices for us. Higher quantities means lower unit pricing! Jakroo’s …


March 28 – April 3 Update

Saturday Riding from Colchester Another promising weekend forecast for our club Saturday ride, before maybe seeing a midweek swoon in temperatures again. So let’s get out there and ride again this weekend. Meet at 11am near the old Colchester Elementary School location – 23358 Township Rd 520, Sherwood Park. About 2hrs again. Please see the …


March 21 – 27 Update

Spring Has Broken The brutal cold of February has finally broken into some nice riding temperatures. So let’s get our spring club rides started! We’ll start with a Saturday ride this weekend (March 23) leaving 11am from the old Colchester Elementary School location – 23358 Township Rd 520, Sherwood Park. This should be an easy-pace …


Super-Important March Update

Casino Volunteers Still Needed! This is it, the final 3 days before our casino fundraising event – and we still need more volunteers. It’s like that final push to the finish line – just gear down and push on! Specifically, we’re short Cashiers and Count Room on both days. If you already work one of …


February Update

The End of the Arctic Outflow (must be near!) Groundhog Day last weekend was supposed to bring hopeful news, but it didn’t. All the groundhogs I checked couldn’t agree one way or the other. They split their decisions down the middle. So is it 6 more weeks of winter or not? The news about cancelling …


January Update

New Kit Design for 2019 At the January club meeting, we approved the 2019 re-design of the club kit. Thanks to the design efforts of Mike Wichuk and Jason Redfern, we’ll be riding and racing in something along the lines of this: Still to come are a few sponsor logos. The new kit will be …


December Update

Holiday Greetings! On behalf of the entire executive, we wish you and your families happy holidays, and Merry Christmas! Take your time to still eat healthy, and relax with family and friends. Be grateful for the good health that lets you ride each season. And be thankful for the understanding of your spouses and children …


November 23 – 29 Weekly Update

Annual General Meeting on Monday Our AGM is just around “turn 4” (in velodrome-speak):  Monday, November 26, 7-8:30pm. Show support for your club, and its direction in 2019. Giant Bicycles Cafe: 9835-63 Ave. The Club will have coffee and snacks (maybe even beer) in the cafe too. If you have anything special you’d like to …


November 16 – 22 Weekly Update

Club Equipment Collection Did you borrow any of our club equipment this year (and maybe even last year)? CX bikes, ZIPP race wheels, Power Tap wheels etc? With snow on the ground and the road/cross season finished, now is the time to return everything. Please email Ed Heacock ( to arrange for a drop off/pick …
